Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Island Bound

After a lovely visit with my Grandparents and a full day of shopping we made our way to the ferry. For those of you that are unfamiliar with where I come from we live on THE Beautiful Vancouver Island. From Vancouver, you can head to two destinations, Victoria or Nanaimo. We headed towards Nanaimo. The journey takes about 90 minutes. For us Islanders, we tend to have a love/hate relationship with the ferry. It is challenging at times when the ferry is full. There is nothing worse than seeing the car infront of you on the boat while you wait an additional 2 hours. But this day we arrived in plenty of time and were able to take in the beautiful spring weather of Horseshoe Bay.

The many times that I have travelled this route makes it sometimes routine. The thing about time and distance is it makes you appreciate what you may have taken for granted. The smell of the ocean was absolutely amazing. I stayed on the outer decks as the ferry pulled away and took in the view until my cold nose could stand it no longer. I've exchange sun burns for wind burns, but enjoyed every minute. As the ferry was pulling in Nanaimo the sun was just starting to set. It was an amazing ending to yet another amazing day!

1 comment:

Christy said...

The Island missed you! Hope you have an AMAZING visit!