Friday, November 12, 2010

More Exploring...

Today we had a couple of things to do in the morning. I had to get my Brunei license and we had to get some fresh fruit from the market. Evan was invited to a birthday party in the afternoon. So as a last minute thought we decided to take a drive to the waterfall we had heard so much about. While on the road we realized that the waterfall was a lot further than we had anticipated. So we stopped the drive short and pulled into this park along the road. It was a lovely setting of boardwalks spanning the river. We originally thought this was the spot that we had heard about that let you observe crocodiles from a safe distance. We didn't see any crocs, but there were quite a few tell tale signs of bubbles in the water. One the way home there were some beautiful viewpoints of the vast rainforest that we are in. We arrive back in KB just in time for Evan's party. We are having a few hours of downtime until we need to be at the pool for Kieran's first swimming lesson. We're hoping with weather permitting to drive to Bandar to see the floating village. More on that to come...

1 comment:

Christy said...

What a gorgeous spot!