Friday, November 5, 2010

Guy Fawkes Night

Last night the boys and I went to an event called Guy Fawkes Day or also known in England as Bonfire night. Guy Fawkes is a widely known traitor from English history. He was among 13 men who conspired to bring down the entire parliament by igniting barrels of gunpowder under the House of Parliament. His attempt failed, so now the tradition is to burn a replica of Guy Fawkes on the bonfire to show how traitors should be treated.
We arrived at around 5pm, and the boys enjoyed playing in the waves as the sun set.
The event was really well done. There is a beach shelter which was constructed in the past for such events. There was even a bar to toast the event. As you can see in the top picture, several of the kids made Guy Fawkes dolls. There was a judging of them prior to setting them ablaze on the bonfire. After the dolls were lit the fireworks started. We had roasted pig on buns for dinner. It was delicious. We came home full of sand and probably a few sand fly bites, but it was a great night!

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