Friday, June 15, 2012

And More Goodbyes...

It seems that each day brings more goodbyes.  More smiling faces that will forever be etched in my memory.  Today was another farewell party with a very special group of friends.  When you look at each of these faces they are all so different.  But each one carries a special quality that made me gravitate toward them to know them more.  Some are hilarious and outgoing, some shy and quiet.  But each one has one thing in common... they are my friend. 

We played some games that made us know each other more.  Then each of these ladies spoke from their heart about how they will miss me.  In all honesty I feel my friends have added to my life in a way that has bettered me for knowing them.  It brought tears to my eyes when they shared the impact I had on their life.  Us girls need our girlfriends.  We encourage and share our life experiences with each other in a way most men wouldn't understand.
 I've alway love the verse found in Ecclesiastes 4:10...If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
So I am blessed... Blessed because I have an amazing group of women who not only have a listening ear, but also a wealth of knowledge to pass on.  How can I not do the same with the wisdom they shared with me?  Give and it will be given to you!

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