Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spoiled Boys

The week before last Rob took me to this little place for a foot massage for our date night. I'd forgotten my camera, so I was unable to capture the moment. Today I decided to bring the boys there so they could experience it for themselves. Kieran has had a lot of neck trouble so he had an hour long massage. Evan, who has always loved his Grandpa's footrubs decided to have the hour long foot massage. He sat there sipping his green tea with a huge grin on his face the whole time. The massage they give is a reflexology massage. They start by soaking your feet, then massage your feet and calf. In the final 10 minutes you get a shoulder, neck, and head massage. An hour massage costs around $18! A weekly treat at least for me I think!!


LeAnne said...

Read back a few posts! why have I missed those!? my bad! Loving hearing about it all!! Love you and miss you 'Chelle!

Christy said...

LUCKY! I may have to come visit you :)