Friday, October 22, 2010

All Moved in...

This past Wednesday felt like Christmas. The long awaited arrival of our container finally made it over the seas from Canada. In all the chaos of the move from Canada I had forgotten what we had packed for shipping and what was being stored. So it was exciting to open all the packages and see what was inside. The movers had the truck emptied in less than an hour and they had unloaded all the boxes shortly after lunch. There was no damage to our things except one glass was broken. No a bad move in my books!! The boys are happy to have their hockey nets and sticks, but especially excited to have their trampoline all set up. I even have two spare bedrooms if anyone wants to drop by!! Now our house is finally feeling like a home!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Looks AMAZING! You've got great taste....and thanks for the blog name suggestions, I think we're definitely going to roll in that direction!