Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Someone's about to Pop...

This past week we held a baby shower for my good friend Laura. Laura is from England and has been in Brunei for almost 2 years. I met her at church and we have shared many an afternoon visiting over tea. My other good friend Kim shared in the organizing of this event. If it weren't for her exceptional organizing skills and mastery in the kitchen I would have been overwhelmed with all the details. As it turned out, the party went smooth. It was a potluck (or potbless as it is known in our church) so there were many yummy treats to try. Along with an assortment of food, I was pleased to meet some new faces that I haven't met in my travels. Laura's baby is due in a little over a week. We are all awaiting the news for when her daughter takes her first breath! I'll keep you posted...

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