Thursday, August 30, 2012

Meet Jesse....

Meet Jesse....The new addition to our family!  While we were living away in Brunei the boys begged and begged for a dog.  Obviously, with the transient lifestlye we were living it was never really a reality.  So now that we are back home we thought the timing was right. 

Jesse is a Havanese/Yorkshire Terrier, or so we were told.  He was also suppose to weigh only about 15lbs.  After meeting with the vet, she informed us that already he was on his way to becoming a dog weighing between 30 or 40 lbs.  But we love him anyway!!  He has been a great dog already.  My definition of a great dog is the lack of peeing in my house... and he has fits the bill! 
He plays hard and then sleeps non-stop.  Like any new toy my boys have loved getting to know him and have wore him out more than once. 



Barnstables said...

Hi Michelle
I love the dog!! Good choice:-)

Barnstables said...

Hi Michelle,
I love the puppy! Great choice:-)