Monday, May 7, 2012

Class Trip to Kuching, Malaysia

This morning was a bustle of excitement.  For both of the boys in my house.  It was a morning of hugs and farewells.  At the crack of dawn I dropped Rob off at the boat for his first day offshore.  More on that to come.  As for Evan and most of his friends the day they were counting down had finally arrived.  At his school there is one big trip that they look forward to, Kuching.  He is not just heading across town to take in the sights, but he is flying for a couple of hours to another country.  I must admit, if I think long and hard of the what ifs I want to hold tightly to my 10 year olds hand. But deep down, I know he will have a fabulous time.  He will be away for 4 days in all.   
So after many hugs and photo taking the kids were finally ready to board their bus to the airport.  I think secretly Evan will miss me, as he came back for several hugs before the final farewell.  His parting words were... "Mommy what will you do with Daddy, Kieran and I all gone from the house?"  I tried not to let my Grinchish grin show... Mmmm What to do with 4 days all to myself?  How will I manage??

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