Monday, May 7, 2012

New Beginnings

Well like I was telling you I said goodbye to more than just Evan this morning.  Rob accepted a new job a little over a month ago.  While it was "official" then, today was the day he started his new job.  This new job is quite an achievement for my husband.  It has been years in the making as he gained experience in his career.  So although his outfit looks a little loud for the eyes, he wears it proudly.  Rob now officially is a Shell Petroleum employee.  With this has come many changes.  The main change is our location.  At the end of June we will be moving back to our home in Canada.  This move comes with mixed emotions.  I've loved our time here and the opportunities we've had.  I've made some amazing friends who at just the thought of saying goodbye brings me to tears.  But with every ending is a beginning.  We have missed the comforts of home and the familiarity of the known. The things I've missed are things I once took for granted.  Like opening my window and feeling the spring breeze, brushing my teeth with cold water, having a grocery store that has beautiful fresh produce, blackberry picking, seeing a sky full of stars, feeling the cold at Christmas, wandering aimlessly through stores, and sitting with a cup of coffee with my good friends. So as much as I will miss Brunei, I am just as eager to walk on familiar soil.  Just like on our way over, our belongings will once again make the voyage by sea.  The boys and I will be flying and will be stopping over in Hong Kong for a few days before we set sail on BC Ferries.  All is well...

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