Friday, February 3, 2012

:: Double Digits ::

The start of a new year always begins with a celebration. My sweet boy Evan was born one week into January. While I must admit, that after the chaos of Christmas, planning a birthday party is not an easy transition for me. I still love to see his smiling face on his special day.
This year Evan turned 10! I know every parent has used the expression...
Where has the time gone?
But it is true! I have been parenting this sweet boy for a decade. When we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversay (now we are in our 15th year) I found myself feeling like... Wow, we made it this far!!
So again I find myself in awe. Not just how far into the parenting marathon we are, but also that in spite of my inadequency and inexperience our boy is turning out well.
No one can imagine how a child will turn out when you bring this bundle home from the hospital. Of course, we had hopes and thoughts in our minds as to the values we'd like to instill. But it isn't something you can attain in one big step. Day by day, and trial after trial, our boy has been shaped from a baby, to a toddler, and to now the 10 year old we are seeing today.
I can't claim that I am the author of who he is today. I stumbled daily with mistakes and thoughts of what kind of a parent am I??
But with God's grace, all my mistakes and bludders have not left my boy chipped and scarred. He is who he was meant to be... and that is still what I am watching unfold daily.
I know there is a plan for his life. A plan that in spite of his well intentioned, but flawed parents, he will attain.
They say that between the ages of 7 - 12 are the golden years! Yes, this stage of parenting is exceptionally easier than the previous years. I think these are the years when parents get a little ease until the teenage years hit. So I sat thoroughly enjoying the delight on my boys face as his friends surrounded him at his party. He is a boy who loves life! He is kind, confident and loves to make people laugh.
What more can I ask for??

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