Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oil & Gas Discovery Center

Right now the boys are on a two week break from school. I guess if we were in Canada this would be Spring Break. Here it is called half term. Yesterday we decided to check out the Oil & Gas Discovery center. I must say I was somewhat impressed. Being in Brunei my expectations were somewhat low, but I was pleasantly suprised. The Center was similar to Science World, but on a much smaller scale. There were many hands on experiments that the boys could try. Some of the highlights was a capsule you could enter and get a visual of what a tornado looks like. The photo with Kieran wearing a headband was really neat. The boys wore those headbands and sat opposite of each other. There is a ball in the middle that is stimulated by brain waves. The boys had a great time concentrating on the ball and seeing whose brain waves were stronger. It was a good way to spend an afternoon!

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