Friday, October 7, 2011

Where has the time gone??

Again, I find myself behind on my blog. My apologies! I guess I can't claim to be behind but, rather uninspired. Don't get me wrong I am not sitting on the other side of the world suffering from boredom. The opposite in fact is true. Our life like the lives of so many others forms a routine no matter how we hard we fight monotony. For me, I like that monotony. I'm one who finds comfort in knowing what the following day holds as I lay my head down to sleep. So that is what the last few weeks contained for us. Take today for instance... A typical Saturday. We start the day with an extra hours sleep to break up the early mornings we have during the week. We relax around the house for a bit, have a pancake breakfast usually, and then get ready for the afternoon activities that the boys are in. Both of the boys take tennis lessons on a Saturday. Then Kieran has his swimming lesson in the early evening. As I've said in the past, the club is our usual hangout. It is where we keep busy and catch up with friends. You cannot set foot there without meeting up and chatting with friends. It is one of the things I love about here.

When I ponder the word TODAY, it represents the here and now. Why do we sometimes feel that we've wasted today? I've struggled with this as well as I watch the sun setting on yet another day. That is a day that is gone forever with never a chance to relive it. But a journey was never meant to be a roller coaster ride. We all have days when the ride of life seems stale and uneventful. But who would appreciate the highs without knowing what the lows feel like? And what about when the ride is just smooth? That is where I am at... one day flows into the next and I'm left wondering "Where has the time gone?" So although it seems like I may have dropped off the face of the earth, I too am walking out my days not knowing what this day holds. Today is a gift, that is why it is called "The Present."

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