Friday, April 29, 2011

What a Glorious Day...

For the last few weeks my internal alarm keeps going off at around 4:30am. This is an insane hour to be waking each day. But believe it or not I am actually excited get started in my day and see what unfolds. Usually I use the extra time to have a quiet coffee by myself and catch up on some reading. But this morning I felt inspired to head to the beach to take in the sunrise. The sunsets here are amazing, but I must admit this is the first time I have taken the time to see a sunrise. Being that this was my first attempt, I actually had no idea what time the sun arose. I was in my car with coffee in hand around 5 and was stumbling in the dark at the beach around 5:15. The thing about darkness is what it hides. My mind was restless wondering if my bare feet would step on a jellyfish or scorpion. I think this applies to each of our lives when we walk in darkness. But as the sun peaked over the horizon it reminded me how faithful the sun is in lighting our way. Suddenly as I was walking in the sand the shapes that caused me alarm brought about beauty. Each day is new, filled with promises that the previous day didn't contain. It was a great way to begin my weekend. You should try it sometime and see the world afresh as a new day unfolds

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