Saturday, June 25, 2011

::Sunshine & Rain::

This morning as Evan and I woke up (we were having a sleepover in my room) the rain was pouring outside. It brought back memories of us camping in our tent. No one wishes for rain while you are sleeping in a tent, but for me I love the comfort of being nestled in our sleeping bags while the storm surrounds us. So this morning as we awoke, I was filled with memories of fun times in the summer, thoughts of home, and a longing to bring those memories back to life. The above picture in no way represents what I am talking about, but it does represent the sunshine, the sunshine that day, and the sunshine smiling from my boys' face. In life, our journey is filled with sunshine as well as rain. I think the saying goes, "We can't appreciate the sun without the rain, and a rainbow comes only AFTER the rain."

1 comment:

Christy said...

Well said my lovely friend, well said!