Friday, February 3, 2012

Home Away From Home

A little over a couple of weeks ago we moved Kieran into his new home away from home. If you asked me a year ago if I would consider sending my son to boarding school, I would have been shocked at the thought. But I guess until you face all your options things change.
So the day was upon us to settle him into his new room. He shares a room with 3 other boys. He was lucky enough to have a good friend of his in his room. He takes the bus up to the school on a Sunday evening and arrives back home on Fridays around 2pm. I wouldn't say the situation is ideal, but so far he is enjoying it. In fact, I'd say a little too much somedays. It is all good though and he is keeping up with his studies in spite of the busy social life.
The above photos are of his boarding house. The school itself is like a huge university campus. Within each house is about 16 boys. There is a common room in each house with a TV, ping pong table and kitchen. They eat in a cafeteria adjacent to all the boarding houses. Now that he is boarding he is able to take advantage of a few more of the afterschool activities. He is currently in an outdoor education hiking club, squash, tennis, and soccer. His days are packed with activities and he only finds a small window of time to call home.
Of course, like any Mom who has the first of their children leaving the nest, it feels very surreal. I miss him, as does he. But, I do find that our chats have more depth. We genuinely miss each other. And, believe it or not... So does his brother. So as the bus pulls in each Friday... I am excited to throw my arms around him!


Malou Martinez said...

even your away from keiran,,,,yet in prayer you can always be together...I used to say this to my neohew who lived with me whenever he leaves for school,,,"kuya(how we call an older bro.)even your in school but my prayer will finds it way to see you" and my nephew will jaz smile! you can do the same! God bless you

Malou Martinez said...

even your away from keiran,,,,yet in prayer you can always be together...I used to say this to my neohew who lived with me whenever he leaves for school,,,"kuya(how we call an older bro.)even your in school but my prayer will finds it way to see you" and my nephew will jaz smile! you can do the same! God bless you