Friday, November 11, 2011

Home Visits

This past week has been a busy week. There were a couple of projects that I had been working on that came to pass. Through our church I learned of a man who was living with several disabilities that made day to day living a severe struggle. Meet Pang, he has diabetes which has left him blind and with almost no use of his legs. He lives in government housing but because of his disabilities he has not left his home in quite some time. He relies entirely on friends to bring him meals and to meet his basic needs. So that is what we did this past Wednesday. Together with my friends Mercy and Jumana we brought him some food and spent some time getting to know him. Surprisingly, his spirits are quite high. We shared many stories and laughs in that time. What amazed me the most was his zest for life. I know if this was my reality smiling would be such a struggle. Pang had such optimism in spite of the prison he was living in. On this visit, we supplied physical needs. I'm hoping over time I can get to know him and build him up from the inside. My hopes are to bring him hope. My hopes are to let him know that he is significant and here for a purpose. My hope for him is to show him he is important and there are people who are there ready to reach out and listen to what is on the inside. We'll see how our visit unfolds this week...

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