Well the time back home was finally winding up. My mom and I headed over to Vancouver a day early to fit in a last minute visit with my Grandma & Grandpa. She suprised me with a birthday cake. I can't remember the last time I blew out birthday candles. It was so nice that she made my day special. Then my mom and I headed to our hotel to celebrate the rest of my birthday. We had a lovely afternoon eating and shopping. The shopping had to be minimal since my suitcases were already bursting at this point. I did manage to find a lovely purse that was a gift to me! We had planned to head out on the town that evening, but with the busyness of the previous weeks I just wanted a quiet night. So we sipped wine and had our last bit of time together. The next morning was the day I flew back to Brunei, so I wanted to fill what time I had left with my mom. The saying, "Home is where the hear is" rings true for me. Even in the distance between us, this is where I feel my heart strings tugging. I miss you already Mom!
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