This past October, Evan's class went on a field trip to McNabb's Corn Maze. It was a cccoooold day. In fact, at this point I hadn't yet acclimated to the Canadian weather. So despite my body telling me to go inside, I put a smile on as we boarded the wagon for our hayride to the maze. We had a quick tour of the farm before we were let loose to find our way out of the maze. Now let me tell you what I was in for. I was in charge of 5 kids from grade 5. That would have been fun! But each of the kids from grade 5 also had a "little buddy" from kindergarten who they were in charge of. If I've painted this picture well, you would know who was really in charge of keeping this group together in the endless rows of corn. You guessed it... Me. Needless to say there were kids running in all directions and if I felt the cold at the beginning of the tour, I was now running a hot sweat trying to salvage the remains of my nerves. Finally after accounting for every child we finished of the trip warming up around the fire. I try not to be permanently scarred from raising my hand to volunteer. But mostly I do love seeing my boy interacting with his friends and I know there will come a time when he won't want his Mom to come. So for now... I'll enjoy this moment!