Thursday, December 20, 2012

England - Day 3

From the moment we arrived in England Evan was so excited to meet his cousins.  He kept asking is today "Cousin Day"?
The long awaited moment finally arrived.  One of the sad things about our families living so far from each other is that moments like this happen so seldom.  In fact, this was the first time either of our boys were able to meet a part of our family that they had only heard about.  Even for me... It has been almost 17 years since I saw the faces of those who were once so familiar to me.  But as we walked along the parking lot with anticipation looming I was thrilled to see those familiar faces.  Rob's brother Alan and sister-in-law Julie looked just the same as when we left them.  However, time had turned their handsome boys into grown men. 
We wandered the cobblestone streets catching up as best we could of the years that have past by.  We had a beautiful lunch in this quaint pub.  The food was amazing.  My stomach was full and so was my heart.  It was so nice for all our family to pick up where we left off.  One of the things I've learned in my travels is life is life whatever side of the globe you live on.  There are ups and downs, busyness and rest, but when you get down to the minute details our lives are all similar.  That is what spoke to me as I watched the cousins meeting each other for the first time. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

England- Day 2

 Day 2 started in the wee hours of the morning thanks to jetlag.  After a typical English breakfast we were ready to start exploring.  Rob had plans to accompany his good friend to his father's funeral. So the boys and I were on our own to see the sights of Looe.  We walked along the seawall taking in all the cute cottages that clustered the hill.  I could seriously live in anyone of these quaint character filled homes and pointed out several on our walk to town.  We had lots of time on our hands so we went into almost each and every shop.  We met with Rob's Dad, Keith for lunch and enjoyed a pasty in one of the shops.  After lunch we walked back home, but not before exploring a footpath leading along the countryside.  The countryside in England is so different from where we live.  It is so beautiful where ever you look and it was the perfect ending to a perfect day. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

England Bound

We all know the saying, "Time Flies."  But as I pen the details of our trip to England I can hardly believe it has been 15 years since I was last in England. 
15 years ago I was a young newlywed returning to our life back in Canada.  Who would have known where life's years would have taken me?  So on our return to the land where I was married, we now take our family with us.  This time to show them where the other side of their family is from. 

When we boarded our plane, we had a surprise for the boys.  With the huge amount of flying that Rob does, he has accumulated quite a few air miles.  We were able to upgrade all 4 of our seats to business class with his points.  This was a huge treat that we thoroughly enjoyed! 

Upon arrival to England we picked up our rental car and drove the 4 hours to Looe, Cornwall where my In-laws were waiting with open arms.  There is such a huge distance between us, but it is always amazing to see them.  We chatted and brought them up to speed with all we have been up to.  Then we went to our most charming rental cottage behind my in-laws house to eleviate some of the jet lag.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

::Gingerbread Weekend::

Every year our family gets together prior to Christmas for what has become known as "Gingerbread Weekend."  Each family is assigned a gingerbread house and in the spirit of friendly competition, puts their own decorative flare using only edible ingredients.  This year there were 9 families competing for the most original house.

I won't bore you with the details of who's who.  But there are at least 4 generations who gather for fun and festivities.  It really is the one time of the year where you can catch up with most everyone. 

The houses whose ingredients are all the same differed with each creative artist behind them. It is a time for fun, a time for family, and a time we all look forward to each year! 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

So Special...

Over the years I've had many "made with love" gifts from my boys.  Many of them I still have and will treasure forever.  While others like a beautiful hand painted macaroni necklace hold more memories than they did completing an outfit. This year my smile was a genuine one.  Kieran made me the most beautiful wooden cutting board in his woodworking class.  It is absolutely beautiful, almost too beautiful... I can't bear myself to use it! It does sit in a place of honor in my kitchen but like a new car, the first scratch is the hardest to bear.  This is one gift that I will hold close, knowing the time and love it took to make! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Class Field Trip

This past October, Evan's class went on a field trip to McNabb's Corn Maze.  It was a cccoooold day.  In fact, at this point I hadn't yet acclimated to the Canadian weather.  So despite my body telling me to go inside, I put a smile on as we boarded the wagon for our hayride to the maze.  We had a quick tour of the farm before we were let loose to find our way out of the maze.  Now let me tell you what I was in for.  I was in charge of 5 kids from grade 5.  That would have been fun!  But each of the kids from grade 5 also had a "little buddy" from kindergarten who they were in charge of.  If I've painted this picture well, you would know who was really in charge of keeping this group together in the endless rows of corn.  You guessed it... Me.  Needless to say there were kids running in all directions and if I felt the cold at the beginning of the tour, I was now running a hot sweat trying to salvage the remains of my nerves. Finally after accounting for every child we finished of the trip warming up around the fire.  I try not to be permanently scarred from raising my hand to volunteer.  But mostly I do love seeing my boy interacting with his friends and I know there will come a time when he won't want his Mom to come.  So for now... I'll enjoy this moment! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Sun is Still Shining...

An Indian Summer....
What does it really mean??
An Indian summer is a heat wave that occurs in the autumn. It refers to a period of considerably above-normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost.
Why Indian? Well, no one knows but, as is commonplace when no one knows, many people have guessed. Here are a few of the more commonly repeated guesses:
  • When European settlers first came across the phenomenon in America it became known as the Indian's Summer.
  • The haziness of the Indian Summer weather was caused by prairie fires deliberately set by Native American tribes.
  • It was the period when First Nations/Native American peoples harvested their crops.
Regardless to differing opinions, I think we can all agree that we love it!  This particular October day we took advantage of the glorious day.  We headed to Skutz Falls on the the way to Lake Cowichan. With walking stick in hand we set out exploring while taking in the beautiful summer like rays.  The day was so warm that Rob and Evan actually ventured into the water.  Now I'm not allowed to post pictures of boys in their boxers, but let me assure you it would bring a smile to your face.  As warm as the air felt, I don't think the water was the same. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Just for the Fun of It!

Now that we were back enjoying our life back in Canada we headed to one of our favorite spots for a hike.  Jack Point Park is near the Duke point ferry terminal.  It is about a 5km hike that winds along the ocean.  The views are amazing and at times you can see Sea Lions basking in the sun.  After winding through the trails in the forest you come to a place where the water has eroded away the rock.  The boys explored each carved out space.  When the boys were younger we use to do these hikes most weekends.  But as with their age, their interest has waned.  It was great to see they could still enjoy the great outdoors and that family time was still wasn't all that bad!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Granny's Birthday

This year for my mom's birthday, her and I spent the day together while Grandpa watched the boys.  Upon our arrival home the boys had a huge surprise waiting my Mom.  While we were enjoying a girls day out, the boys had been busy in the workshop.  Both of the boys made my Mom the cutest birdhouses for her birthday.  They were so proud of their work.  But seeing Grandma's reaction was the best.  I think she even shed a tear or two!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School...

It had been a busy summer.  We physically moved from one side of the globe to the other.  We reconnected with lots of family and friends and we also enjoyed a few lazy days of summer.  Finally, a Mom's favorite day of the year arrived.... Back to school.  Evan was thrilled to finally be of age and also proximity to the school where he could ride himself without Mom bringing him to school.  I must say, this is the first time in many years that I didn't walk my kids to their first day of school.  I actually missed it, but only momentarily!  Kieran on the other hand had his best friends to walk him to his first day to high school.  Both boys enjoyed their first day back to Canadian school.  I'm sure the novelty will soon wear off!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Last Days of Summer

Now that we had a new puppy in our family it gave us a good excuse to go exploring.  We headed to a beach about 15 minutes from our house to show Jesse the ocean.  It was an amazing day where the suns rays warm you inside and out.  Sometimes I am still in awe of the beauty that surrounds us.  We walked the trail to the beach and loved seeing the world through our puppy's eyes.  Everything was new and exciting to him.  Wouldn't it be amazing to take life in like a dog?  They are excited where ever they are going.  They stop and smell every new scent.  And they play until they can't keep their eyes open. We were in the car only a few rotations of the tires when he was asleep in our arms.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friends From Afar

Time to open the creaky door of my blog.  Only on a blog is it possible to go back in time.  And this is one day I'm happy to relive. 

My dear friend Elaine and her 2 boys came to the island for few days near the end of summer to visit family and lucky for me...friends.  No matter how long the span between our visits, we always pick up where we left off.  Today was no different.  When I found out she was coming my first thoughts were to plan something big and exciting.  But sometimes simplicity outshines splendor.  Elaine lives in the Interior, far from the ocean.  Knowing her love of the sea, we started out with a simple afternoon picnic.  All of our boys looked for the treasures of the sea while we caught up on life.  When Elaine and I met we were school girls whose lives crossed paths when our lockers were next to each other.  Now when we look at our lives, they look very different from when we shuffled our books from one class to the next.  I love that our friendship is the same whether we are walking the halls of highschool or digging for crabs on the beach. 

Our boys enjoyed getting to know each other.  After lunch all the boys boarded their scooters for a tour of Chemainus.  One of the highlights in Chemainus is the candy store.  It not only stocks anything sweet, but resembles and old fashioned candy store.  After we filled them with sweets we finished the tour of our little town and made our way back home.  It really was a perfect day to spend with one of my dear friends. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Meet Jesse....

Meet Jesse....The new addition to our family!  While we were living away in Brunei the boys begged and begged for a dog.  Obviously, with the transient lifestlye we were living it was never really a reality.  So now that we are back home we thought the timing was right. 

Jesse is a Havanese/Yorkshire Terrier, or so we were told.  He was also suppose to weigh only about 15lbs.  After meeting with the vet, she informed us that already he was on his way to becoming a dog weighing between 30 or 40 lbs.  But we love him anyway!!  He has been a great dog already.  My definition of a great dog is the lack of peeing in my house... and he has fits the bill! 
He plays hard and then sleeps non-stop.  Like any new toy my boys have loved getting to know him and have wore him out more than once. 


Ohh The Good Ole Hockey Game...

For the past 4 years, Kieran has looked forward to one week of the summer where he eats and breathes hockey.  He attends an amazing Hockey camp that is held at a local church.  3 hours of each day he is on the ice.  The rest of the daily activities continue with the theme of hockey.  Not only is he surrounded with the sport he loves, but the young leaders in charge speak volumes into his life.  So after 5 nights away from home all the parents gathered at the rink to watch their final game.  I'm not a huge sports fan, but I really have missed watching my boys on the ice.  Kieran scored one goal.  While the game was mostly for fun, the score was down to the wire in the final period.  Our boys are registered for hockey this fall.  They start in just a few weeks.  So this will be where I will be spending most of the coming months...with a warm cup of coffee in hand!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bike, Play, Love...

A couple of years ago, I fell in love with the movie Eat, Pray, Love.  I loved the role Julia Roberts played, the freedom to find out who she really was.  I also loved the bike she rode in Bali and thought... I need one of those to explore the rural streets in Brunei.  But like most movies, it is just Hollywood.  While I didn't find the opportunity to explore Brunei on my bike, I am now exploring my hometown on 2 sets of wheels.  It has brought me right back to my childhood when you would ride until the streetlights came on. 

So this morning as Evan and I woke up, we decided to head out on a ride.  We whipped off our pajamas, threw on some clothes, and boarded our bikes ready to see the start of a beautiful morning.  We rode to an area a few minutes from our house.  While on our way down to the beach we stopped to eat some of the delicious blackberries that are growing wild at this time of the year.   

The beach was amazing this early in the morning.  We were able to sit by ourselves while listening to the seagulls calling to each other.  One of the things I love about the beach on this side of the world is the smell.  How I wish I could portray it in a photo.  There really is nothing that smells fresher than the ocean. 

While on our way home we came upon a family of deer.  I remember telling my Brunei friends that as often as you see monkeys in the garden that is how often you see deer here in Canada,  this photo is for you.  So this bike ride is proof that there are amazing things to see in your own backyard.  It has shown me that you just need to change your perspective and look closer to what you already have. You don't need to board a plane, plan a trip, or secretly wish you were somewhere else.  Just stop, look around and see the beauty that is near.  It is always here... you just need to look for it!

Our Container Arrives...

For the first few weeks in Canada we have been "camping" in our house.  Well maybe "camping in comfort" is the better term.  We lived in our house with mattresses on the floor and just the bare essentials to get by.  I must say living minimally is quite freeing and just what you need to enjoy the lazy days of summer. 
Finally after about 7 weeks after our departure from Brunei, our "things" arrived.  We crowded the back of the container in eager expectation of the unpacking.  Everything arrived without a scratch.  My mind traveled back to Brunei when I was surrounded by boxes anticipating the move back to Canada.  This time the boxes represented the huge task I had to unpack and find a place for all of these things.  Somehow I found myself wishing I could go back to the lazy days of summer with my mattress on the floor!

Sharpen those Skates!

While living in Brunei we loved so many things of our new life and surroundings.  But one thing was always missing for the boys... Hockey.  My boys have been on skates almost as long as they have been walking.  They started playing hockey at around 5 years old.  Hockey is huge in Canada and huge to my boys.  So this September they will once again be on a team playing the game that they love.  So one of the first things we purchased upon arriving home was a new pair of skates for them.  One evening we went to the local rink for them to break in their new skates.  I can't even say they were a little rusty after being off the ice for so long.  They did amazing and watching their smiles was the best part!

Family Time

Rob was home for just under a month, and the time flew by.  With all the busyness of the move we found ourselves in the final days of having him at home.  So we decided a family day was in order.  We drove to Victoria, a little over an hour away to play tourist in the town we once lived.  When the boys were young we loved to walk along the inner harbor to take in the street entertainment.  So this was our first stop, and we had decided to follow it up with a picnic in the park while feeding the ducks. There was much to look at.  There were magic shows, music and artists displaying their talents.  The previous day we had enjoyed temperatures over 30 degrees.  So we headed to Victoria with this in mind bracing ourselves for the warmth.  But that day did not mirror the previous day.  In fact, we were freezing.  The weather dropped to about 18 degrees and was quite windy next to the water.  As chilly as we felt, we still enjoyed the stroll along the picturesque inner harbor of Victoria.  We finished off the day with lunch indoors and strolled the mall instead. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

On Our Travels...

I grew up in the town of Kamloops.  I was born there and graduated there and then moved away shortly after meeting my husband.  So visiting Kamloops for me is like walking down memory lane.  We drove by the houses I lived in, ate at my favorite restaurants, and caught up with old friends. 
This is my good friend Elaine.  We went to highschool together.  We share many hilarious memories together, but we always share a laugh or two and a heart to heart.  She recently built a beautiful new house and I got a tour along side one of my best buds. 

Our next stop was in Kelowna.  I met Giselle on a soccer pitch in Brunei while our boys played Aus sports.  We shared Brunei survival stories over a can of Off to ward off the sand flies.  I was sad when she moved away from Brunei prior to me, but now that we are both on home turf a visit was in order. 

Her and her family brought us to this fabulous beach on the Okanagan Lake where the boys enjoyed ziplining into the water.  We stayed only one night, but as usual it was great to see her smiling face!

Love Is...

Love is patient... Love is kind.  Love is many things to many people and is demonstrated individually.  This particular weekend we witnessed the love of Paul & Carey as they exchanged their wedding vows.  We traveled to my hometown of Kamloops for the big event.  The day mirrored my brothers beautiful wife.

There were eight of us seated across from each other at the reception.  Eight different people consisting of Husbands, Wives, Fathers, Mothers, Grandparents,Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, and Uncles.  All individually different but loving the family they are in. 
Love is...
What is it to you?

:: Lately ::

Time to dust off the cobwebs on my blog and fill you in with a bit about our days in Canada.  Originally, I started this blog for my family in Canada to keep up with our day to day life.  But now that we are back in Canada... It is also for my friends scattered across this great planet.
So... What have we been up to??
Since our move back home we have had times where we are so busy.  But there have been many days where we could enjoy the lazy days of summer. 
So here is a few photos of where we go to cool on those hot days.  We live about 2 blocks away from the ocean (as seen in the top right) We head there usually in the evening to listen to the seagulls, smell the amazing sea air, and sometimes skip a few rocks along the surface of the water.
Also within a 5 minute drive we have a river and a lake.  We have spent several lazy days there.  These are the hotspots of summer.  Since we live in a small town, you usually run into friends while enjoying the sun.  Which has been great to let people know we are back in town. 
There is much more to report during the last 2 months, but for now this sums up our summer so far!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hong Kong - Day Four

After a fun-filled few days, the day of our flight back to Canada is here.  We started the morning with a swim.  Our hotel had a beautiful pool on the rooftop of the building.  We swam while enjoying the view of Victoria Harbor.  Then back to the room to try and fit all of our goodies into our already bulging suitcases. 

Kylie and Jocelyn picked us up from our hotel to take us to a few of the weekend markets.  After a short train ride we were walking along the flower lined streets known as the Flower Market.  I've never seen such a beautiful assortment of stunning flowers.  If anyone doubts creation you just have to look at the variety and perfection of these blooms to convince you. 

Next we headed to the Bird Market.  Again, you would not be spoiled for choice if you were in the market for a pet bird.  One section was bird food.  I was under the impression that most birds ate "bird seed."  Not the case for these feathered pets.  The whole bird food section contained several types of insects and worms. 

Our last stop was the fish market.  There were so many beautiful varieties of fish.  It was great to just walk and take in all the beautiful colors in these 3 markets.
Our time in Hong Kong matched the lifestyle of the city itself... filled with hustle and bustle.  We had the most amazing time and it was such a great way to end our time in Asia. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hong Kong - Day Three

Today was our final full day in Hong Kong.  We have had the most amazing time and each day was full of new things to see and do.  Today the plan was to go to Ocean World.  So once again we met up with Jocelyn who helped us navigate our way throughout this vast city.  We once again took the Star ferry and caught another bus.  This time our destination was a place called Stanley.  Stanley was very near to Ocean park so we stopped there first.  We had almost reached Stanley when we had to take a quick detour for a bathroom break.  The boys were quite thrilled when the bus passed by a Ferrari dealership.  So what better place to look for a toilet than there.  Evan was able to sit in a convertible Ferrari, but unfortunately no photos were allowed.  Once in Stanley we got side tracked with yet another market.  This time it wasn't just me shopping but the boys came away with a few treasures.  

In the end, we decided there wasn't enough time to see Ocean Park.  We headed back downtown to Kylie and Jocelyn's to rest our weary feet.  We'd had many busy days by this point and our sore muscles were proof of that.  After an hour reprieve, we once again hopped on the train.  Destination??  Yet another market... The ladies market.  The name doesn't really describe it well.  It was the boys who found more things than I. 

Hong Kong - Day Two

Our plans for the second day were to head to the Big Buddha cable car ride.  The boys and I braved riding the train by ourselves to meet Jocelyn.  I must say I felt like a real local as I tried to look like I knew what I was doing.  We made it to our meeting spot with no glitches.  We continued onward to the cable car ride.  It really wasn't the best day to take in the sights.  As we purchased our tickets there were thunderstorm warnings.  Not the best info for someone who doesn't particularly like heights.  But we pressed on assuring ourselves the fog would clear for the ride back.  I will add that there is an option to riding a glass bottom cable car.  This was something my boys would have loved if I agreed, but not this time!

The rain stopped as we reached the summit.  From inside the cable car the fog gave the feeling of a cold morning.  But that wasn't the case.  It really was something to see despite the thick mist.  We climbed the many stairs to the Buddha.  Took in as much of the view as we could and then headed back down for a bite of lunch.  We have forgotten how much we missed western food.  The boys enjoyed a Subway lunch while Jocelyn and I tucked into a Chicken Tikka wrap.  

After lunch as we had hoped the fog lifted.  On the way down we were able to see the most stunning views.  Once at the bottom we headed to an outlet mall and took in some retail therapy.  It was another busy day.  We enjoyed our pillows almost as much as the day we'd had.  

Hong Kong - Day One

On our first day in Hong Kong we met up with our local tour guide/friend Jocelyn who made our Hong Kong trip so memorable.  Our first place to visit is called The Peak.  It is an amazing place high above the infamous Hong Kong skyline.  To get there we walked along Victoria Harbor to catch the Star Line ferry.  After a short boat ride, we boarded a bus and made our way to the summit overlooking the city. 

I have never been one who loves heights, but this really was breathtaking.  The day was mostly clear and made for the most amazing view. 

Before we headed down the mountain we stopped for lunch.  The boys who have lacked Western fastfood wanted New York Fries.  I thought it was ironic that we were drinking Canadian Whistler water with our meal.  After lunch we caught the tram down the mountain.  The tram down was also quite an adventure. It descends down the hill at a 45 degree angle.  If we weren't sat facing backwards I think we would have toppled out of our seats. 

Later that day we took the train to Kylie and Jocelyn's apartment.  We ended the evening with a great dinner and shopping at Temple night market.  The boys enjoyed all the knock off name brand things they bought.  The day was filled with several modes of transport... boat, bus, tram, train, and a taxi ride home to rest our weary feet.  It was an amazing first day in the bustling city of Hong Kong.   

Friday, June 15, 2012

Kieran's last day at JIS

In keeping with our theme of farewells, Kieran had his final week at his school.  While school for him in Brunei isn't ideal as he has been at boarding school.  But saying that he has an experience I have never had.  The friends he has made run deeper as they learn, eat, and live together.  As I am not up at the school this is the only picture that I could get and it was thanks to facebook!  So for the past week he was making the most with the friends he has made.  There were some late night hang outs well past lights out with the usual sneaking between rooms.  But for the most part they just hung out.  One of the traditions at the school is to sign the shirt of the school uniform on the last day.  The words that were written were straight out of the mouths of these friends.  They all spoke about missing him and wishing him luck in Canada. Of all the memories he takes back to Canada, his friends are the ones who mean the most!

And More Goodbyes...

It seems that each day brings more goodbyes.  More smiling faces that will forever be etched in my memory.  Today was another farewell party with a very special group of friends.  When you look at each of these faces they are all so different.  But each one carries a special quality that made me gravitate toward them to know them more.  Some are hilarious and outgoing, some shy and quiet.  But each one has one thing in common... they are my friend. 

We played some games that made us know each other more.  Then each of these ladies spoke from their heart about how they will miss me.  In all honesty I feel my friends have added to my life in a way that has bettered me for knowing them.  It brought tears to my eyes when they shared the impact I had on their life.  Us girls need our girlfriends.  We encourage and share our life experiences with each other in a way most men wouldn't understand.
 I've alway love the verse found in Ecclesiastes 4:10...If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
So I am blessed... Blessed because I have an amazing group of women who not only have a listening ear, but also a wealth of knowledge to pass on.  How can I not do the same with the wisdom they shared with me?  Give and it will be given to you!