Sunday, November 28, 2010
The St. Andrew's Ball
Friday, November 26, 2010
A New Look...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
New Spa Treatment??
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Waterfall Walk
Today after a leisurely start to the morning we decided to drive to the waterfall that is nestled deep in the rainforest. Kieran has met a new friend named William. He spent the previous night at our house, so he joined us for our walk. We attempted to drive to the waterfall last weekend but we ran out of time before we reached it. The drive is about an hour from our house. Once you leave the highway you drive about 45 minutes deep into the jungle.
At the beginning of the trail head we ran into a troop of gherka's. The gherka's are specialized soldiers and they were doing a week long training session in the jungle. Evan was so pleased to get his picture taken with them.
It had just finished raining as we arrived, so the jungle was damp and steamy. There is a lovely creek that follows you up the trail. The vegetation is so thick but quite beautiful. I tried very hard not to consume my thoughts with snakes and scary bugs, but to enjoyed the scenery around me.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday Night...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
:: Friends ::

Miri Crocodile Farm
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Kampong Ayer
Today we went to drove to the capitol city of Bandar. We wanted to visit the water village called Kampong Ayer. Kampong Ayer is made up of 28 water villages and housing an estimated 20,000 people. This jumble of wooden planks and shacks is considered to be the biggest water village in the world. We boarded our boat with our tour guide in tow ready to explore the village and the proboscis monkeys.
As we cruised along the river in our long boat we came upon some monkeys. I didn't think we would really see them as they are said to come out more at dusk. But we did! I think there were about 10 monkeys swinging from tree to tree. It was amazing to see them up close. As we were heading back to the village our guide spotted a crocodile sunning itself on the beach.
Friday, November 12, 2010
More Exploring...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Leche Flan
Cook in the double boiler for about an hour and a half or until egg mixture has set
Once finished cooking, place in the fridge to cool
Loosen the edges of the flan and turn flan over onto a serving tray
Recipe should make 2 leche flans
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A Touch of Home
Friday, November 5, 2010
Guy Fawkes Night

Evan's Rainforest Tour
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Days Events...
This morning after dropping Evan off at school, Kieran and I went to the club for a swim. After doing a few laps we headed to the restaurant for some breakfast. Kieran's favorite breakfast at the club is called Roti Pratha. It is an East Indian dish that comes with a fried egg, a huge roti, and some curry sauce for dipping. I had a Mozzerella Fritatta. After breakfast we headed back home to get some schooling done. Kieran sent in his science assignment he had been working on, read some of novel, and finished up some homework. I had a lovely chat with my mom and sister. Then Kieran and I went to do some exploring of the town. We picked Evan up at 3:00 today as he had after school activites where he is learning basketball. We had a quick dinner at home and then dropped Evan off at his Math course. Evan has been taking an extra math class called Math Monkey. It follows the ancient philosophies of Indian mental math called Vedic Math. It is really quite interesting the formulas they teach in order to be able to do math mentally and with speed. Evan seems to like it and his math has greatly improved. So while he was at his class, Kieran and I headed to the massage parlour which is conveniently located just around the corner. Normally I get the hour long foot and leg massage, but today I went for the hour long body massage. It was heavenly! Not a bad way to end the day!