Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Dreamy Desserts!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Weekends Events
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Local Fresh Market

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Evan's Rainforest Field Trip
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Life on the Beach
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Panaga Club
We find ourselves there most days. The pool is wonderful as is the food. We find ourselves there most days. The boys have signed up for sports there. Kieran is trying out field hockey and Evan is in Australian Kickball. Kieran just got a Junior Golf Set yesterday. So he is eagerly waiting to start golf lessons.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Our Home in Brunei

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Schooling in Brunei

Now that life has settled for us our days are filled with schooling. I thought you'd like to see how and where the boys are going for their schooling.
Evan is attending Panaga International school. There are about 400 kids from all different countries around the world. The school is fabulous and I'm sure he will receive top notch schooling. He starts school at 7:30am until 2:00pm Monday to Friday. He does swimming lessons once a week and has signed up for the drama program that is held Thursdays afterschool. In the above picture is his teacher Miss Katherine and she is from Wales.
Kieran and I are homeschooling. I must say that we have had a few bumps along the way with internet problems and settling into this new program for both of us. I think we have ironed out the kinks and are getting our schedule underway. I have found an art teacher for him. Once we have our Panaga Club passes he will be signing up for several sports including golf, swimming, and field hockey.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Our Weekend in Malaysia
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monsoon Season
I knew that our arrival into Brunei came during monsoon season. So far Mother Nature times the rain perfectly. It only seems to rain at night. The last few nights it has rained hard, but last night was extremely wet. When we woke in the morning the neighbourhood around our home was flooded. This is apparently normal. If you click on the above picture you can zoom in to the before and after shots around our house. Within a couple of hours most of the water had receeded. I'm not sure if it was the heat or the drains that cleared the water. Quite a different sight than we've experienced in Canada!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Our first days in Brunei
On Saturday we were invited to a BBQ at a friend of Rob's from his work. It was great to meet the other wives and hear their survival strategies. The boys met a few friends and a good time was had by all.
On Sunday, we met up again with our new friends and headed to the Panaga Club. It is a country club that we get a membership to. It seems to be a meeting place for all the expats living here. The pool was beautiful. We enjoyed breakfast by the pool as we overlooked the beach. Feels like I'm on vacation!!
Monday was a day at the house. There was a hustle and bustle of work men, water deliveries, phone and internet installation etc...
Today Evan had an assessment at his new school. He should be starting by next week. On the way home from dropping him off, I was almost in an accident. I can assure you that even though I am not use to driving on the left hand side of the road I was not at fault! It was a narrow miss, but it rattled me enough that got lost and couldn't find my house! Thank goodness Kieran has a better sense of direction than mine!
This weekend is a huge religious holiday for Muslims. It is called Ramadan (not sure of the spelling) So we are taking advantage of the long weekend and are heading to Miri in Malaysia for the night. There are two other couples and their kids who are joining us. Miri is about an hour drive from us. The hotel is right on the beach and is meant to be beautiful. I'll be sure to post some pictures when we get back.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Hong Kong cont...
We had a short rest at the hotel before we headed downtown to take in the sights. The busyness of Hong Kong is so different that what we are use to in Canada. There isn't a clear space to be seen anywhere. We headed to a local market and it was great watching the boys see the cultural differences. Evan wasn't intimidated at all. In fact, he approached a vendor to check out her watches. Kieran on the other hand couldn't stomach the smells. After a little over an hour both of the boys wanted to head to the hotel.
At around 5pm we took a taxi to Rob's friend's house to meet for dinner. With our tour guides in tow, we headed to a local restaurant and had a fabulous dinner. Afterwards we went back to their house. They have a fabulous view from their balcony as you can see in the nighttime shot. We had planned on walking along Victoria Harbour, but Evan was exhausted and had fallen asleep on their couch. It was good that we gave the walk a miss, because as we left monsoon rains started falling. We all fell into bed and had a great sleep!
As we speak we are sitting in Hong Kong airport awaiting our flight to Brunei. I'm excited to see what life will look like for us once we are settled!
Arrival into Hong Kong
After a 13 hour flight we finally arrived in Hong Kong at around 7am local time. As I said in my last post, I was lucky enough to have been able to fly first class. I must say that once my eyes have been open to this experience it will be hard to fly economy again. The food was fantastic. I had smoked salmon on fennel, cajan halibut, spring mixed salad, banana pancakes and many more delicious foods that I was too stuffed to try. The chairs were so comfy and reclined into an actual bed! I was able to get about 6-8 hours of sleep!
The boys managed to rest on the way there. They watched a couple of movies and were awesome travellers. We arrived at our hotel at a little after 9am. Our room wasn't quite ready, so we decided to try and get some breakfast. There was a huge mall that was attached to our hotel so we headed there. We thought we would try some local cuisine, but the boys were not keen in trying some of the food that they were displaying. So we headed to McDonald's! I'm embarrassed to say that this was the first restaurant that we went to, but it was familiar!
After breakfast our room was ready. We had a swim and got showered ready to explore the streets. More on that to come...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The trip begins...
Today after many tears and long goodbyes, our family started the first stage of new adventure. We flew out of Nanaimo at 2:30pm. We had a 12 hour layover in Vancouver. So instead of sleeping on the airport seats my husband booked us in the Fairmont to get some R&R prior to our flight. I'm not hard to please when it comes to staying at a hotel, but I felt very spoiled! The boys had a swim and wore off some of their energy. After an early dinner we had the boys sleeping by 8pm. But midnight came far too quickly. As we speak, it is 1am and we are enjoying the comforts of the Air Canada lounge. My husband lovingly gave up his last first class ticket. So I am going to enjoy the next 13 hours in First Class! I can now tick that off my bucket list!! So long for now... I will keep you posted of events still to come!