From the moment we arrived in England Evan was so excited to meet his cousins. He kept asking is today "Cousin Day"?
The long awaited moment finally arrived. One of the sad things about our families living so far from each other is that moments like this happen so seldom. In fact, this was the first time either of our boys were able to meet a part of our family that they had only heard about. Even for me... It has been almost 17 years since I saw the faces of those who were once so familiar to me. But as we walked along the parking lot with anticipation looming I was thrilled to see those familiar faces. Rob's brother Alan and sister-in-law Julie looked just the same as when we left them. However, time had turned their handsome boys into grown men.
We wandered the cobblestone streets catching up as best we could of the years that have past by. We had a beautiful lunch in this quaint pub. The food was amazing. My stomach was full and so was my heart. It was so nice for all our family to pick up where we left off. One of the things I've learned in my travels is life is life whatever side of the globe you live on. There are ups and downs, busyness and rest, but when you get down to the minute details our lives are all similar. That is what spoke to me as I watched the cousins meeting each other for the first time.